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New Technologies

School EIRIS – Spain

The Eirís International School, always at the forefront of incorporating new technologies as a fundamental tool in the educational process (and in 2000 astronaut Aldrin spoke to our La Coruna students from the SEK University in Spain via videoconference), has renewed its equipment incorporating 52 laptops for student use.

Currently our students in Infants and Primary Education have the iPad as an educational tool in the classroom. From Year 5 Primary to Year 4 ESO, students are immersed in the iPad 1: 1 Project, they have their own iPad to carry out all their school work. All this through digital books, educational platforms and resources that the centre makes available to students.

In addition, the centre has opted for the incorporation of programming and robotics from the earliest ages. Infants students and the first elementary courses have several Bee-bot Robot packs with which they start in the world of robotics. From Year 3 onwards, students have 2 hours per week to work on programming (Scratch,, Swift), robotics (LEGO) and 3D design within the classroom.

Moreover, our structure has digital elements such as:

  • Connecting to the Internet 24 hours a day, through a high capacity DSL line.
  • An intranet that connects all the computers in the school together.
  • Virtual Classroom, equipped with 14 apple iMacs, laser printer, 3D Printer, interactive whiteboard and a multimedia projector.
  • Digital Library equipped with 26 laptops, laser printer, an interactive whiteboard and a multimedia projector, where the teacher can project their explanations to facilitate the monitoring of them by students.
  • A total of 36 interactive whiteboard with projectors distributed through school classrooms.
  • Abundant materials and computer technology.
  • Wireless (WiFi) that allows the widespread use of laptops in the classroom as well as outdoors.
  • Exam marks: On the school website, students or their parents may view their academic record. This site has all kinds of information related to the school and a forum where students and teachers can exchange documents and worksheets of all subjects.
  • Filter Content: Access to computing resources is controlled by usernames and passwords for every student, as well as Internet access that is done through a content filter to ensure that only educational resources are accessed.
  • Software: There is also access to a wide variety of software subjects, always advised by teachers or specialists in the field.

Óscar Manuel Carro Roca

Technology Resources Administrator

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